Tuesday, April 5, 2011

1st Inspiration for Ty's big boy room...

1st Ty's room

I am becoming obsessed (in a good way of course) with design!  I still have MANY projects that I need to do about our house to get things feeling more like us.  That is why I have started this blog.  First things first though, baby #2 is on the way in October and I need to create a big boy room for my 2 year old son, Tyler.   I was inspired by the photo of the surfboards from PBTeen because we live by the water in Tampa.

I am just starting to look around at inspiration and I am going to do a few different mood boards before I move ahead to the actual shopping phase.  Most of the things are similar to what I would use, but I need to shop everything out first and find budget friendly items!  This will be my first attempt at creating these boards I see all over the bloggeshpere.  I have the vision in my head, but working with the computer is a bit more challenging.  Am I missing something???  Like Photoshop?  Any advice is definitely welcome!